Yet 4 new, amazing *N Sync dreams..
read..1. a good morning song by *N Sync
2. just a usual school day with *N Sync
3. you WIN..
4. sled with *N Sync
1.It all started on night when i went to bed. It was
the usual thing! Put on my
PJ's and then stair at my ceiling full of justin!! then when i
went to slepp i
started dreamin about them! it was weird. And then i dreamt that
i woke up and
they were in my room! and justin was singing to me! it was
awsome. then all of
the sudden i was on their tour bus and i had joinmed the group
and we made it
BIG! Bigger than they are now! And me and Justin were dating and
we were also
ingaged! Everyone knew eachother and it was great! and at the end
of my dream
me and justin got married and lived happily ever after!!!!!!!!
2. Me and my freinds Annie & Nicole are in school
and all the best boy groups
are there (its a girl only school) but to us its Nsync and
Backstreet boys.
Its the day that Nsync performs and were walking to school when
Justin Chris
& Joey walk up to us for directions to get to the school. We
say were on are
way there now. Then they offer us a ride. The cars justins. They
that joey and lance are out to breakfast.Right before we get to
school they
ask if after school we can show them around town.We answer Yes
and they say
well me at the car right after school.After school we decided
that we would
see more if we split up.I took Jc Annie took Justin & and
Nicole took
chris.At the end of the day they asked us to go on tour with
them. we all
ended up getting married.
3.I was at the concert I am going to on July 17th.
Well, the people working
there - after the opening acts played and before they came out
(yay!), they
were having this contest, and they would draw someone's seat
number and they
would go backstage and meet the guys and stay back there all
through out the
show. Well, they called my seat and I almost fainted. So I went
back there and
I met them all, and I feel in love with Justin like right away,
and he did
And a week later, he called me, and we started going out and
hanging out with
each other all the time, and about 3 years of going out we got
married! And
then everyone was happy. Happily Ever After..The End
4. I had this really strange dream about Nsync. I was
at their concert, but
they werent only singing, they were sledding. I was chosen from
crowd to go upstage and sled with them. They gave me a gift
basket for
sledding wioh them and i gave it to my friend Jessica in the
she couldnt go up with me to meet the guys.
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