times on the beach.. - Great times..

O.k. here it is....

My best friend, Kellie, and I were at the beach. We were standing on top of
this big rock, just lookin' around. Kellie tried to lean over to see
something and she started to fall. I tried to catch her, but we both ended up
falling off the rock. We were layin' on the ground yellin' "Babay, we've
fallen and we can't get up!!" Joey just pops up out of nowhere and tries to
help us up. We started laughing so hard that we all ended up falling over.
At the same time, Justin and JC walk up yellin' "Babay are you o.k.?!!" Then
they saw Joey and were like "Joey what is you doin' with our babies?!!" Joey
just started runnin' because he knew they were gonna cap him. They started
chasing him and Kellie and I were chasing them trying to convince them that
nothing happened. We were running up the beach when Chris just hops down out
of this tree. Kellie and I both stopped to let Chris all up in the know and
Justin and JC kept chasin' Joey. We were sittin' there and Lance comes
runnin' up the beach to see if we were o.k. Joey had totally made a circle
around the beach and came back to try to get us to help him out. Justin and
JC came back screamin' "BABAY....Where is the boy at??!!" They saw us sittin'
with Chris and Lance and freaked again. Kellie and I finally explained that
nuttin' had happened. We were all sittin' on the beach around a fire and the
guys were singing. Chris offered us some Oreos, Joey offered us some Jell-O,
and Lance offered us a Whatchamacallit. Justin and JC stopped in the middle
of the song. All JC said was, "You better run boy!!!" The boys just jumped up
and ran with Justin and JC right on their heels. Kellie and I were right
behind them screamin' "BABAY don't cap em'!!" I woke up with all of us
runnin' down the beach.

I was standing outside the public showers at the beach and Justin was
handcuffed(teehee) to the shower handles. He looks at me and says "Kellie you
gotta get me out of these." I looked at him and said"Babay, I dont have the
keys." So I just started yelling--Someone come save my baby!! and Joey just
pops up out of nowhere. He looks at me then he looks at Justin and he walks
up to me and starts sing and pushes me back into the bathroom. Right before
we go in I see Chris stick his head out of the mens bathroom and he says"TEE
HEE" and takes off runnin'. All this time I can hear JC in the background just
yellin' "BABAY......BABAY.... BABAY!" but I cant see him. So after we were
inside the bathroom I hear Justin outside yellin-"Joey man this ain't Crunk!!
What you doin with my girl??" So I was like Joey I gotta go. So I walk out
and Justin says "Baby get me out of these things" and i look at him and say
"Baby I dont have the keys! Someone come help my baby!!" and Chris shows up
out of nowhere. He looks at me and then he looks at Justin and he starts to
sing "Lying in your arms..." and pushes me into the bathroom. Right before we
go in I see Lance stick his head out of the mens bathroom and he says "TEE
HEE"!! and he takes off runnin'. I can still hear JC screamin in the
background "BABAY...BABAY...BABAY!!" So
we were in the bathroom and Justin is outside sayin' Chris man what is you
doin??" So I said "Chris man I gotta go!!"
So I come out of the bathroom and Justin says "Baby you gotta get me out of
these!!" and I say ,once again, I dont have the keys!! Somebody come help my
baby!! and Lance shows up!! He looks at Justin and then he looks at me and
walks right up to me and says "You know babay, there is no me...." and that is
as far as he got cause I grabbed the boy by the collar and drug him into the
bathroom and right before we got in there Joey sticks his head out of the mens
bathroom door and says "TEE HEE" and takes off runnin' and I can still here JC
in the background screamin' "BABAY...BABAY....BABAY!!" So in the bathroom I
can hear Justin outside sayin "BABAY what is you doin in the bathroom with
Lance?" So I say Lance I gotta go!!" So I go out and my best friend Faith
comes walkin out of the mens bathroom!!! And JC screams BABAY!!!! and we all
turn around and the boy is standing on top of this 2-story building holding
Britney Spears off with a gun. Faith screams BABAY and takes off runnin and JC
shoots Britney and jumps right off the building and he hits the ground
runnin'. Faith stops and just starts runnin backwards and I'm like Faith what
is you doin'?? They run right past me and head straight for the mens bathroom.
Justin looks at me and says Babay you gotta get me out of these handcuffs and
i reach in my pocket and pull out the keys and unlock him. He grabs me around
the waist and looks in my eyes and says "We gonna get it Crunk" and we head
for the bathroom and right before we go in JC sticks his head out the bathroom
door and says "TEE HEE!!" and goes back in!!!

That was my dream---hope you like it!!!!!!!


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