Here are the best
messages you gave to me at my survey,
(I did not took all the messages)
I appreciate it so
much. And if one *N Syncer ever comes to here,
he may read your
comment :o)
Just everything
they are. They're a great bunch of guys and they really
appreciate the
fans and they sing
from the heart and you know whatever they sing comes from their
heart and not just
the voice. They love what they do and love the fans.
There are many
things that make these five guys special but I don't think
anything that one
can say to describe it. I just think whatever they sing and do
is always comin'
from the heart and is always sung with feelin' and emotion.
They can do about
everything sing, dance, play sports.
What probably makes
them really special is that each of them has their own
different quallity
they like doing , but still they put their own music group
and they get along
so well and it shows in everything they do. I think that they
are just the best
music group in the world and I'm sure they will reach the top of
the charts
everywhere in no time.
is what makes *N Sync special cuz he's the foundation of the
group! Meaning
they'd all sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks high on helium
if it weren't
for Lance's sexy deep voice to balance it all out !
They have awesome
songs that you can dance to and sing along to. Not to
they are hotties !
They have
harmony.... and all of them can dance really good... they have a
good friendship between each other....
'N Sync is a band
who loves what they do! They want to be around for a long
They respect people
for who they are. There songs are great they have one of
those albums you can
listen to 24/7. They have fun together and enjoy each others
company . That's
what I think makes N'Sync special! That's it.
If you ever talk to
J.C. tell him I said hey !
They are truely
best friends. They can sing together, make beautiful harmony,
dance in sync
(no pun intended) together.
They are just meant
for each other... and I don't mean that in a gay way .
Plus, they all look
good , and they all have white teeth and clear complection which
is always a plus!!
All of them are
equal because of all of their different ways !
Jessica H.
Everyone is
special in their unique way.
They're unique
Taz Manian Devil
J.C. is really
hot. Justin has a really good voice. Lance is cute. Chris is just
the bomb
and the other guy is
They can sing and
are really good dancers, put on a great show, and they are funny,
sweet, and
they are fine !!!
Amy B
You just cant
help but be put in a good mood when you see them. I also like
that they
are the type of
group that brings people together. I went by myself to a show
week, and had a
handful a new friends by the end of the night. Besides,
Joey is
the biggest STUD in
the world!!!
How can you not like
cute....Lance is very special. I would love to meet Lance. He is
just the total
tops...and I think
he is sexy. I hope to meet them all some day, but I think that
Lance is the one I
want right now.
Well, they can
definetely sing. But they can also dance and really well
too !
Their music is
great. They have slow and upbeat songs. The perfect blend.
They are also down
to earth guys and don't let fame go to their heads.
Overall, they're
just great guys.
They are so
hot! They're great singers; the harmony is awesome.
They seem like
really nice guys. They know how to dress.
talent makes them special.
They are a great
group of talented guys! Also the fact that they haven't
really let
all of this
fame go to their headslike other celebrities. That deserves
applause itself !
Their belief in
God and putting him first and they are great dancers and they are
really good singers.
N Sync is absolutely gorgeous also.
Their songs.
Le Ann
I think that what
makes 'N Sync so special is the way they are so truthful with
friends. Not to
mention the fact that they are hot and have great
They're just all
around great and down to earth, which makes them so lovable.
They are special
because they like to be themselves and they don't lie about
personality and they all are incredibly cute.
One would be
their amazing dance steps. Another is their personality. But the
most important thing
that's special about 'N Sync is the way they are to everybody
including their fans
and they are known all over the world for that.
The thing that
makes 'N Sync special is how they don't ignore their fans. And
there so down to
They all have
unique voices especially Justin. They knew each other before they
started making
their songs, which shows that friendship will make their music
even stronger and
that they wont be a 1 album sensation. Overall they blend
together is very
'N Sync is
special in my eyes because of their talent and ability to put on
exhilrating show.
They have tremendous talent in both singing and dancing.
They have rhythm,
style and preserverance to make it in the music business.
They are really
dedicated to their work.
'N Sync is
original, they're great singers (I should know...I'm aspiring
and I'm taking
voice lessons), they're cute, their songs are fun to dance to and
have meaning ...the
list is endless and would take over a million years to
I bet that anyone who hears one of their songs
truely listens to it
would, too ! They are just that kind of group.
They are full of
life and they are very talented. They have what it takes!
I think
it's that there soooo different yet all sound great, have
talent, and look fine.
I adore each and
every one of them because they know what they wanted to
do at such a
young age. I mean I'm 15 (going on 16) and I still have NO
what I want to do.
They're the best!!!!!
Fallon Nicole
Oh the words I
could use but this is the statement that I believe could sum up
beautiful soul of
music: It has been said that great things once a decade,
century, and
millenium but I believe 'N Sync goes beyond all of the obvious
looks, talent, and
charisma. Instead one could tell everything about them about
them if you listen
to their words but rather how they sing it and how they express
physically. It is
all of this and more that I believe makes 'N Sync special.
They are real.
They have a positive image. They have beautiful voices seperate
and together. They
can dance. They're funny. They seem like really caring and
loving guys. They
are the 5 hottest guys I've ever seen. They're living their
They try to take out
time for their fans. They have a Mississippi Albino. Chris
is crazy.
Justin's accent.
They have a happy go lucky kind of a guy, Joey.
And they've got my
There a great
band and their music speaks to me in a good way.
Everything, just
hearing them sing makes me melt. And Justin's body makes me
Well for starters
they are great singers and great dancers too. I think Justin and
JC are so cute. They
tought me to stay dedicated to whatever I do and
never give up.
That's why *NSYNC is
so special.
no name
The way their
voices just go together, and the way they move and smile
and laugh...
themselves and they're honest and funny and nice and sweet and
Ashley V.
Their energy
They seem more
down to earth and they have that boy next door charm.
The way they
effect my life. Plus Justin is sooo cute!!!
Kristen M.J.
The type of songs
they sing and their great dance moves.
I say more ?
Krista J.
Because there
really spunky and have a lot of fun with their
crowds and get
everyone excited.
They also dance really good together and they have really
good songs.
So you love the
guys so much, and I know how much I do.
Keep it *N Sync !