July - June 99
* Chris' clothing line Fumanskeeto is online, and you can already see some cloth creations
* Justin and JC recently watched the movie "Austin Powers The Spy" in Orlando
* New Teen Sensation Billy Crawford will be opening for 'N SYNC this summer!
* 'N Sync is currently at #9 on the charts in the UK with Tearin' Up My Heart. The highest number they've reached is 5 with I Want You Back.
* the latest issue of -Smash hits!- features *N Sync
* Britney and Justin officially said that they're only friends, but in May Britney told to the german BRAVO magazine that she is in love with Justin
* I am working on a new website. I publish all your Weird Dreams and Concert Review there now (bc there's no free space on this site left.)
you can help me a lot by clicking the VDIENST banner on its first page. THANX
* tooken from Sonya's *N
Sync Planet
-daily news-
From Seventeen Magazine: "Coordinating schedules to
create private time is hard in any relationship, but when you're
both super-busy pop stars it's even harder. Maybe that's why
real-life lovebirds Britney Spears and 'N Sync's Justin
Timberlake decided to tour together this summer. Our spies tell
us that the pair was spotted conducting a quick make-out session
outside a trailer during a recent show for Boston radio station
Kiss 108." thanks to nsync nsanity
In reference to the issue of Big magazine in question (see also: Danielle Fishel Tells All - June 9), a London informant revealed to CNW that the interview was, in fact, published but admits that the UK publication does not have the reputation of being a very accurate source of information. Our informant has talked to a few people connected to the magazine and while in general some of the information in the publication is correct, a lot of it is not.
"I have some depressing news about Justin and Britney. On the radio this morning (Fly92) they said that at a concert, Britney denied dating Justin Timberlake, but later they were found "heavily groping each other" backstage."
It's not just the pop world. A comedic segment of the late night variety show Late Night with Conan O'Brien entitled "If They Mated" aired in the wee hours of June 11. Celebrity couples that have been spotted dating each other were featured, and graphics analysts took stills of each celebrity and created comical, grotesque-looking offspring. Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were among the couples featured, and I have to admit that their "child" was one fugly lookin' thing!
* You've heard
that the guys will be at the MTV Movies Awards, which are to be broadcasted 9/8c
tomorrow. Watch out for 'N Sync in a parody of the famous animal
cracker scene in Armageddon with Lisa Kudrow.
* Coke Card Gets You In
The Coca-Cola Card is giving 'N Sync fans the opportunity to get
discounts & free merchandise at a variety of restaurants,
retailers and theme parks across the nation. And, with the Coke
voicemail network, you and your friends can leave each other
messages on a really cool voicemail network. Be sure to check
your voicemail frequently. You never know what you might find!!!
With your Coke Card you can set up your Coca-Cola voicemail for
free. In addition, as a Coke Card holder you'll have access to
the IYDKYDG V.I.P. area where you can enjoy never before seen
photos from 'N Sync's "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" Tour,
exclusive 'N Sync screensavers and wallpaper, and previously
unavailable 'N Sync video clips. So if you'd like to "get in
the know" and enjoy the V.I.P. area, go to the official site
and click on the IYDKYDG sign!
* 'N Sync graces the cover of this month's issue of Disney Adventures magazine. The magazine features another comic of the guys and a game you can play based on the fab five! Get your copy today, and view the comic here.
* 'N Sync will be
opening the
Women's World Soccer Cup Games (held at Giants Stadium in New Jersey) with a 4
minute medley (presumably the same medley that was performed on
the Nick's KCA). Also scheduled to perform is UK pop sensation:
* Go out and purchase the
new self titled album by the group "Blaque" (their
first single is titled "808") on track #8 of this album
is a song titled "Bring it All" and it features NSYNC.
* 'N Sync's keyboard
player, Dax, has resigned from his job as the keyboard player. He
has decided to start songwriting, producing, and recording. His
first project is with one of his idols, Jude Cole.
* Congratulations to
*NSync for winning the "Favorite New Group" award at
the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards on May 25, 1999 in Los
Angeles. During the show, they performed "Sailing" with
Christopher Cross, who wrote and performed the original version.
*NSync even flew into the air during the song, like they did
during the "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Tour". The Blockbuster
Entertainment Awards show is set to air June 16 on Fox.
* 'N Sync is going to be starring in a movie!
After their tour this
summer they will be filming it. The movie is supposed to be like
the 1994 movie, Swingers, and 'N sync will not be playing
themselves. The movie is set to come out in 2000.
* In Sam Goody there's a
sign that says that *N Sync's new album is supposed to be in stores
on October 26th. I'm
pretty sure this is true, because I saw it on the
"reserve" list in Sam Goody, and you can already
reserve copies for $2.
* 'N Sync also very
recently recorded a ballad with Latin singer, Gloria Estefan. The
song is entitled "Music Of My Heart" and will be on the
soundtrack for the movie "Face The Music", due out in
the fall
* Free Lance
Entertainment Group,
Inc. Sounds kinda fancy for a job Lance does at nights on the
phone doesn't it? Well, you've heard about Lance's other work.
Now check out his company's website, and if you're into country,
look out for his upcoming artists...
* The Video "I drive myself
crazy" has set a
new record in 1999 for being at #1 for 14 days straight on MTV's
Total Request Live and since Total Request Live has been on air
no artist has ever gotten a higher percentage of phone calls for
their new video "I drive myself crazy" they had broke
the record with a wopping 41%.
--- this videoclip is still not on the playlist of german VIVA TV !!! ---
Thank you very much, I'll give
you 100% credit
Sync got game - index page