*N Sync - Gold

I like only silver, gold is terrible..it was kinda funny as the dentist asked, if the teeth brace should be in gold. I just replied >Do I look like someone who likes gold ?

"I want you back"

I'm completely covered woth all this superman stuff. This Superman earring I got from Lance, for christmas three years ago.
That 'N Sync ring was a present of a girl as I was in highschool.
My earrings are from my friend, and I always wear them !
This Superman bracelet I bought at the Warner Brothers Store in Orlando...ahm do I have to tell about this watch and necklace..??

Of course I wear the watch and the necklace from Lou. For real: we all are very proud of these, because Lou gave it to us for our first golden record. The ring on my left hand, I got from a girl, three years ago.
My name is engraved in it. All the time I wear it I remember my home.
The ring left a fan gave to me. That was in germany. That was sweet and some time before that I losed another ring. The bracelet looks like a necklace, but it isn't..I bought it in Mexico..it looked perfect to my necklace.

This ring on my little finger is a fan present. A girl gave it to me after a concert. I love it. The big ring is from my parents. They gave it to me at christmas, three years ago. ..
The watch and the necklace...you know..but i don't wear the 'N Sync tag with the orginal necklace, it's from my grandma..

Honest, I'm not a real stylish person. You see that ..I wear a leather ribbon with my starsign around my neck. I bought it at a musik festival, where I was with my parents..Since that day I wear it day and night. My necklace is silver, the design is Greek. I bought in at a market last june. I really like it because it's simple.

We loved the interview...I translated this article back to english, becoz i took it out a german magazine..sorry this are not nsync's real words, but the sense of their statements are there !

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