The Backstage Report - *N Sync

Here I introduce my very favourite book of *N Sync to you,
I love it because it has everything about them, great pictures and more.

It was published in 1997.

This book is written by Bea Fux and published by the idealverlag, Germany.
The book is in german and was only published in Germany so far.
Here is the cover of that book.

The contents:
- welcome to behind the scenes
- fact files: Chris , Lance, Justin, Joey, JC
- *N Sync now! The actual line of success
- The story of a super group

- Hit following hit: The musical start of *N Sync
- 'N Sync live

- *N Sync private - that's how they really are
   each boy has his secret, Chris, JC, Justin, Joey, Lance
The secrets of Lance
- *N Sync in Germany: Welcome to your second home

- At home in Orlando: How the five boys spend their free time
- The Future of *N Sync
- Tour dates (the old of 97)
- discography, autograph address, fanclub
- list of sources

*N Sync Got Game - Index Page